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工 公 功 攻 供 宫 躬的英文

"工 公 功 攻 供 宫 躬"怎么读


  • gong
  • "工"英文翻译    worker; workman; the working ...
  • "公"英文翻译    state-owned; collective; pub ...
  • "功"英文翻译    exploit; merit; meritorious ...
  • "攻"英文翻译    attack; assault; take the of ...
  • "供"英文翻译    offerings
  • "宫"英文翻译    palace
  • "躬"英文翻译    bend forward; bow
  • "躬" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词(弯下身子) bend forward; bow 躬身 bend at the waistⅡ副词[书面语] (自身;亲自) personally 反躬自问 self-introspection; examine oneselfⅢ名词1.[书面语] (身体) body2.(姓氏) a surname 躬奇 gong qi
  • "攻" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(攻打) attack; assault; take the offensive 反攻 counterattack; 攻城 lay siege to a city; 攻下敌人的桥头堡 capture the enemy bridgehead; 全攻型选手 an all-out attack player; 主攻方向 the main direction of the offensive; 能攻能守 be equally good at offence and defence2.(指责别人的过错; 驳斥别人的议论) accuse; charge 群起而攻之。 everyone points an accusing finger at him.3.(致力研究;学习) specialize in; study; work at 专攻医学 major in medicine; 许多学生专攻工程学。 many students specialize in engineering.Ⅱ名词(姓氏) a surname 攻生单 gong shengdan
  • "功" 英文翻译 :    名词1.(功劳) exploit; merit; meritorious service [deed]: 战功 military exploits; 立功 render meritorious service; 立二等功 win [be awarded] a second class merit2.(成效和表现成效的事情) achievement; efficacy; result 大功告成 be accomplished; 好大喜功 crave for greatness and success; 劳而无功 work hard but to no avail3.(技术和技术修养) skill; craftsmanship 基本功 basic skill; 唱功 art of singing; 芭蕾舞演员每天练功。 ballet dancers practise their skill every day.4.(一个力使物体沿力的方向通过一段距离) work 变热为功 convert heat into work; 机械功 mechanical work5.(姓氏) a surname 功景 gong jing
  • "宫" 英文翻译 :    名词1.(帝后太子等居住的房屋) palace 故宫 the imperial palace2.(神话中神仙居住的房屋) palace; paradise 月宫 the moon; lunar palace: 魔宫 the devil's den; 迷宫 labyrinth3.(庙宇的名称) temple (used in a name) 雍和宫 the lama temple of peace and harmony (in beijing)4.(文化娱乐用的房屋) a building for cultural activities and recreation 少年宫 children's palace; 民族文化宫 the cultural palace of the nationalities5.[生理学] (子宫) womb; uterus6.[音乐] (古代五音之一, 相当于简谱‘1’) a note of the ancient chinese five-tone scale, corresponding to 1 in numbered musical notation7.(姓氏) a surname 宫之奇 gong zhiqi
  • "宫 ()" 英文翻译 :    princess hours
  • "宫s" 英文翻译 :    goong s; princess hours s
  • "供" 英文翻译 :    供Ⅰ名词1.(供品) offerings 上供 offer up a sacrifice2.(口供; 供词) confession; deposition 逼供 extort a confession; 诱供 elicit confessionⅡ动词1.(供奉) lay (offerings)2.(受审者陈述案情) confess; own up 供述 make a deposition; 招供 confess; 他供出了主犯的名字。 he gave the name of the chief culprit.
  • "公" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ形容词1.(属于国家或集体的) state-owned; collective; public 公物 public possessions; 公关 public relations2.(共同的;大家承认的) common; general 公分母 common denominator; 公约 convention; pact3.(属于国际间的) international 公制 the metric system; 公斤 kilogramme4.(公平; 公正) equitable; fair and just; impartial 办事不公 unjust in one's manner of doing things; 大公无私 selfless; unselfish5.(雄性的) male (animal) 公鸭 drakeⅡ动词(使公开) make public; publicize 公之于众 make known to the publicⅢ名词1.(公事;公务) public affairs; official business 办公 attend to official duties; 因公出差 take a trip on official business2.(集体) authority; collective 交公 turn over to the authorities; 归公 be turned over to the collective3.(封建五等爵位的第一等) duke4.(对老年男子的尊称) 李公 the revered mr. li5.(丈夫的父亲; 公公) husband's father; father-in-law6.(姓氏) a surname 公俭 gong jian
  • "工" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(工人和工人阶级) worker; workman; the working class 技工 skilled workers; 矿工 miners; 青工 young worker2.(工作; 生产劳动) work; labour 做工 do manual labour; 上工 go to work; 既省料又省工 save both material and labour; 这事很费工。 it requires a lot of hard work.3.(工程) project; engineering 动工 start [begin] a project; 竣工 complete a project4.(工业) industry 化工 chemical industry; 工交系统 industry and communications5.(一个劳动日的工作) man-day; working-day 这项工作需要多少个工? how many man-days will it take to complete this project?6.(技术和技术修养) craftsmanship; skill 手工 handicraft; 做工 workmanship; acting7.(民乐音阶上的一级, 乐谱上用做记音符号, 相当于简谱的“3”) a note of the scale in gongchepu (工尺谱), corresponding to 3 in numbered musical notationⅡ动词(长于; 善于) be good at; be versed in; be expert in 工于此道 be good at this kind of work; 工诗善画 be well versed in poetry and paintingⅢ形容词(精巧; 精致) exquisite; delicate 工细 fine; ingenious
  • "攻 (影)" 英文翻译 :    ghost in the shell (film)
  • "天 功" 英文翻译 :    xiantian-gong
  • "宫 外传" 英文翻译 :    palace hours
  • "宫,郭" 英文翻译 :    court
  • "供 款" 英文翻译 :    monthly installment
  • "供…使用" 英文翻译 :    appropriate
  • "拿 (公)" 英文翻译 :    nassau (state)
  • "f-35ii攻" 英文翻译 :    f-35 lightning ii
  • "pv功;压" 英文翻译 :    pv work
工 公 功 攻 供 宫 躬的英文翻译,工 公 功 攻 供 宫 躬英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译工 公 功 攻 供 宫 躬,工 公 功 攻 供 宫 躬的英文意思,工 公 功 攻 供 宮 躬的英文工 公 功 攻 供 宫 躬 meaning in English工 公 功 攻 供 宮 躬的英文工 公 功 攻 供 宫 躬怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。